Bruce DeGrenier

Played by Nathan Hartswick

Bruce is a life long Vermonter he was born there and he intends to die there (rolled over by a tractor, skidoo accident or going through the ice at the ice shanty). Pre-pandemic he was working detailing skidoos as his cousin Donny Bouchard’s dealership but he lost that job because of Covid-19 and not because he was detailing the skidoos without the clients asking for it and then expecting them to pay him. Now he’s thrown himself full time into AirBnb, renting out his hunting camp up near Island Pond and has found that the bigger the shithole, the more the flatlanders will pay to stay. As a host he’s never far away since he spends most of his time / lives in the duck blind right near the camp. This gives him great opportunities to release various things like ticks and bats to scare the clients away so he can take their money but they don’t come back. He let’s Donny detail their cars using watercolors without asking them.


43. Fornicate Masticate Incubate