Dylan Laroche

Played by Julia Rambosson

Dylan is what they call in the industry a confrontation surrogate. Other members of their esteemed industry include millionaire matchmakers and people who tell parents that their children love them (but not the other way around!) Dylan is often hired when someone wants to break up with their partner or when a man wants to tell his children that he is in fact their surrogate father. It’s not all fun and games, Dylan was hired to object to their own wedding. “In a pickle? Call Dyl! It’s time to stop being polite and start getting real!”

In the latter days of the pandemic Dylan has started having to confront people on Zoom because of lockdown measures. They are helping students confront their teachers and bosses confront their employees. After their first appearance on the show Dylan was told by a lot of people that she was relying too much on their insult of choice ‘milky turd’ and has since branched out into other vulgarities like ‘piss goblin’, ‘pus goblin’ and ‘piss goblet’.


11. Get out of here milk turds!

24. Puberty Freight Train