Candy Redenbacher

Played by Ariel De Roo

As the grandaughter of Orville Redenbacher of popcorn fame, Candy is a member of one of the original four founding families of American fast food. Along with the Boyardees, the Sanders and the Thomases she is currently working on a Hamilton inspired musical about the founding fathers of american food that will be staged on broadway when things open up again. She is also running a sweepstakes on TikTok for a chance to meet her and eat candy with her. Users are asked to submit themselves reading a poem while someone else plays a tune on the recorder in the background. The poem must include the adjectives ‘handsome’, ‘starving’, ‘hungry’ and ‘farmer’s eyes’. Her husband, who has two degrees from the online university has assured her that ‘farmer’s eyes’ is indeed an adjective.


9. The Founding Families of Fast Food